Snapshots of the 38th Annual International PIBBA Conference in Koror, Palau

Snapshots of this year's 38th Annual International PIBBA Conference in Palau!

PIBBA 2017 Conference Video

PIBBA 2017 Conference Video

Click on the video below to view the 36th Annual International PIBBA Conference hosted in Pohnpei

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Merry Christmas from around the Pacific!

Merry Christmas from around the Pacific!

~Felis Pasgua (Chamorro)
~Maligayan Pasko (Tagalog)
~Peren en Krismas (Pohnpeian)
~Monono ilo raaneoan Nejin (Marshallese)
~Falang e Baynag (Yapese)
~Tok Tapeng (Kosraean)
~Ungil Kurismas (Palauan)
~Pwapwan Kirisimas (Chuukese)
~Mele Kalikimaka (Hawaiian)
~Ameseighil ubwutiiwel Layi Luugh me raagh fee (Carolinian)